Today, I received my first copies of the Carbon Dating!: Forbidden Love "A Fate Worse Than Death" (Part 1) Book! It turned out beautifully! This book contains the first script that make up this epic fantasy love story starring the character of Death. The release date is to be announced!
Here is the synopsis... The Horse Riders summon Death and the Fates to a meeting at the Tower of Eternity in the hopes that they will vote to trigger the apocalypse on Earth. With Death being forced to cast the deciding vote, he's unsure as to what to do. After Death likes a suggestion from War that Death should go to Earth to see for himself that the humans don't deserve to live, Atropos shows Death a vision of the future of what will happen if he does go to Earth. The vision reveals a woman he becomes intrigued by and the start of the apocalypse with the destruction of humanity. When Death asks about the woman, he is told that the woman is going to die within a matter of days anyway and not to get involved to protect her because if he goes to Earth for any reason, it will in fact trigger the apocalypse whether he intends to or not. This forces Death into an impossible decision. Does he try to save his love interest and risk destroying humanity, or does he let her die for the greater good? |
Yesterday I finished my first script for 'Forbidden Love'. An epic fantasy love story featuring the character of Death. The first reactions to the script have been that of shock and pleasant surprise and excitement. It fills my heart that it is being so well received, since I poured every ounce of myself into this story. In my 20+ years as a writer, I don't think I've ever crafted such an amazing script with such a deep and meaningful story full of historical, biblical, and supernatural references. I can't wait to share it with everyone.
Production has begun on the miniatures of Carbon Dating! Forbidden Love. The first of 10 miniature sets have been completed. Here is a finished still from the shot featuring The Hereafter's Titan's Ridge!
"Carbon Dating!: Forbidden Love" is a new project that I created which is now in pre-production. It will be a beautiful yet tragic artistic epic fantasy love story starring the character of Death. While "Carbon Dating!" is a fun little comedy web series set around a game show, "Carbon Dating!: Forbidden Love" will be a dramedy about Death and the tragic story of his... well... um... life.
For more information and special behind the scenes updates on progress of our new series, follow this link or click the "Carbon Dating!: Forbidden Love" tab. Below is a sample of one of the many concept pieces being developed for the show! We hope to bring you more information on our new series soon.
- A.J.
For more information and special behind the scenes updates on progress of our new series, follow this link or click the "Carbon Dating!: Forbidden Love" tab. Below is a sample of one of the many concept pieces being developed for the show! We hope to bring you more information on our new series soon.
- A.J.